🔥 The Fall of 911 S5 Proxy Botnet

A reign of terror ends for a botnet that caused fraud, 💣️,🧒 exploitation and more in over 200 nations....

Good Morning. Suffice to say, former United States President Donald Trump is not exactly living his happy golden years, as a guilty verdict was handed down to him in his hush money trial in New York, making him the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes and adding to a list of losing court battles.

Along with a run-in with actor Robert DeNiro, and a slump in shares of Trump Media, the former builder-of-lavish-casinos turned centrifugal-force-of- controversy president has found himself in the history books all over again, in far less than flattering ways.

Trump, who is expected to appeal his case, won’t be formally sentenced until July, a few days before he is expected to become the Republican Party’s presidential nominee.

As the nation waits, and a presidential race proceeds (with Trump’s “juggernaut fundraising” pushing his campaign along), American political contentions reach the apex. The impact the Trump sentence has on the state of the American union has swiftly become a building question of national security that PACs of both parties rally their lobbies around.

— 🐈‍⬛ Acoustic Kitty


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The U.S. Justice Department has dismantled the 911 S5 Proxy botnet, a major cybercriminal operation, and arrested a Chinese national believed to be its mastermind.

“This Justice Department-led operation brought together law enforcement partners from around the globe to disrupt 911 S5, a botnet that facilitated cyber-attacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, addressing the bust on a broadcast by the Justice Department.

A Great Victory

The arrest marks a significant victory in the fight against global cybercrime, showcasing the collaborative efforts of international law enforcement agencies.

“Working with our international partners, the FBI conducted a joint, sequenced cyber operation to dismantle the 911 S5 Botnet—likely the world’s largest botnet ever,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray, as he was quoted by the Justice Department press release.

Significance of the Bust

The 911 S5 Proxy botnet's takedown is a highlight reel in showcasing the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the ongoing need for robust cybersecurity measures.



  • A Detroit man has been arrested for allegedly plotting a terrorist attack from his grandparents' house, federal authorities announced. The suspect, who reportedly planned to target law enforcement officers and a synagogue, faces charges related to domestic terrorism.

  • The IDF has indicated that a hidden stockpile of terrorist munitions might have caused the deadly fire in Rafah, local reports out of Israel state. The blaze resulted in several casualties, highlighting the risks posed by concealed explosives in civilian areas.

  • The Israeli military has uncovered a 15-kilometer-long tunnel used by terrorists in eastern Rafah, Gaza, WION reports. This discovery is part of ongoing operations to dismantle underground networks used for militant activities against Israel.

Military & Defense

  • The U.S. Army has inaugurated a new munitions production facility, enhancing its capacity to meet modern warfare demands. This state-of-the-art plant will play a critical role in producing advanced ammunition to support military operations and national defense objectives.

  • China is ramping up its open-source software initiatives to advance its military capabilities, according to U.S. defense officials. The increased focus on open-source technology aims to enhance China's technological self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on foreign software amid rising geopolitical tensions.

  • At the Shangri-La Dialogue, U.S. and Chinese military leaders are striving to achieve substantive progress beyond symbolic gestures. This meeting aims to address rising tensions and improve communication channels between the two military powers amidst growing geopolitical challenges.


  • Ticketmaster has experienced a massive breach, compromising the personal data of millions of users. The breach has prompted an urgent investigation and efforts to enhance the platform's security measures.

  • A government watchdog has criticized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for ongoing cybersecurity issues that remain unaddressed. The report highlights vulnerabilities that could expose the agency's systems to cyber threats, urging immediate improvements to safeguard sensitive information.

  • Senator Ron Wyden has reportedly called into question the integrity of U.S. healthcare cybersecurity management, after he “raked over the coals” the CEO of United Health Group. Wyden called out a hack of the UNG, as the “biggest breach” in the history of American healthcare, and demanded accountability, setting the tone for a discussion that appeared in Forbes about whether CEOs are setting up their teams for failure with cybersecurity policies.

Counterintelligence & Espionage

  • Former Navy Chief Petty Officer Bryce Pedicini has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for selling classified U.S. military information. The sentencing underscores the serious consequences of betraying national security and highlights ongoing efforts to combat espionage within the armed forces.

  • Zambian authorities have arrested five individuals on charges of espionage, alleging they gathered and transmitted classified information to foreign entities. The arrests reflect ongoing concerns about national security and the measures being taken to protect sensitive government data.

  • Fengyun Shi, a Chinese national, has been charged under the Espionage Act for using drone photography to gather intelligence on U.S. military installations. The case underscores growing concerns about technological espionage and national security threats posed by foreign surveillance activities.

Transnational Organized Crime

  • A Romanian organized crime group has been targeting places of worship across Maryland and Virginia, according to police. Authorities are investigating a series of thefts and urging religious institutions to be vigilant as they work to apprehend the suspects.

  • Prosecutors in Brooklyn, New York have charged several gang members with multiple murders, as part of an effort to curb escalating gang violence in the area. The indictments are part of a larger crackdown on criminal activities that have plagued the community, seeking to restore safety and order.

  • Hundreds reportedly gathered in a church in Haiti's capital to mourn Judes Montis, a mission director killed by gang members alongside an American couple, Davy and Natalie Lloyd. The emotional service highlighted the escalating violence in Haiti, which claimed the lives of the three missionaries as they left a youth group activity.


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Scientists have discovered a mysterious hole on the surface of Mars, which has intrigued researchers due to its unusual characteristics and unknown contents. This geological feature, located on the Martian plains, presents an enigma as scientists speculate about its formation and what could lie within, highlighting the ongoing exploration and study of the Red Planet's surface and geological history.

Door To a Cavern?

The hole was identified through images captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and its presence raises questions about the processes that could create such a feature. Researchers are eager to investigate further to determine whether the hole could provide insights into Mars' geological activity or even harbor signs of past or present life, emphasizing the importance of continued exploration and study of Mars. Some have speculated the hole could be the entrance to a massive cavern.

In other news…

🤬 OpenAI has identified influence operations by China and Russia using its technology to spread disinformation. The company is actively working to mitigate these efforts, highlighting the ongoing challenge of controlling AI tools to prevent their misuse in global information warfare.

💉 Scientists are developing cancer vaccines that train the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells, potentially revolutionizing cancer treatment. Although these vaccines are still in the experimental stages, early trials have shown promise, offering hope for more effective and personalized cancer therapies in the future.

🌈 Auroras may light up Earth's skies again in early June, with key nights to watch being June 1 and June 2. This spectacular natural phenomenon, caused by solar wind interacting with Earth's magnetic field, could be visible in various regions if weather conditions permit.


Pictured an Aurora Flight Sciences plane, 2017, photo by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.

DARPA has selected two developers for its SPRINT program, aimed at creating high-speed aircraft capable of significantly reducing travel time for military operations. The chosen companies will focus on developing innovative designs and technologies that enable planes to fly at unprecedented speeds, enhancing the U.S. military's rapid response capabilities.

Need For Speed

These high-speed aircraft are expected to revolutionize military logistics and operations, providing quicker transportation of troops and equipment across vast distances. The SPRINT program underscores DARPA's commitment to advancing aerospace technology to maintain a strategic edge in global defense.

In other news…

🚘️ China plans to provide $827.7 million in subsidies to domestic automakers to bolster the industry and enhance technological advancements. This move aims to strengthen China's position in the global automotive market and support the development of electric and hybrid vehicles.

🧠 Elon Musk's AI startup xAI has secured funding from notable investors to compete with OpenAI, aiming to create safer artificial intelligence. The company plans to scale its operations and develop technologies that align with Musk's vision of beneficial AI for humanity.

🤯 The Ukrainian Venture Capital Association has launched a $300 million fund-of-funds to support the country's growing tech sector. This initiative aims to boost investment in Ukrainian startups and foster innovation despite ongoing geopolitical challenges.


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